Evergreen Intro

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Welcome to Balanced Practice's Evergreen Series

This series of information is basic and foundational, but stacks up to a lot of data.

I'm here for you to help make sense of these volumes of rules and exceptions, for which most probably don't apply to you.

My biggest pet peeve about the personal finance literature out there, and even advice for businesses, context is rarely emphasized.

There are two classic rules in tax law:

  1. There is an exception to every rule, and
  2. It depends.

"Everything affects everything" feels like some statement of toxic positivity when I try to explain this to my tax and coaching clients. But it is indeed true.

Rules don't apply to all of us equally, because we do not all have equal facts and circumstances. And different facts will trigger different tax rates and series of rules.

I don't mean to put fear-based information out there, but I've yet to find a way that someone can rely on finance advice unless they have engaged with a paid professional, or became an expert themselves. I'm doing my best to provide some comprehensive content for you.

You can learn more about me here, but note I have been practicing accounting and tax roles since 2005 (my High School Graduation year), and even prior.

I have been a CPA since 2011, completed my Master's in Taxation in the same year, and have run my own tax practice since 2015 (the year I got married  🥰). I cherish being in this profession as something core to who I am (although not all of who I am! 😎).

Don't hesitate to post a question below however, I cannot guarantee results unless we have a signed engagement letter. It's my honor to provide a boost on your journey of an elevated financial life.

What's included in the Evergreen Series:

* visit the 'Categories' Blog menu at anytime to revisit the Evergreen Series collection.

Links to the Evergreen Blog Posts:

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Personal Finance and Tax Basics

A Guide for Small Business Finance and Tax

How to Manage the Tax Calendar

What is Financial Coaching and How to Level Up

Money Trees

State of the Union

When Can I Retire?

Penalties & Interest for Taxes

Quarterly Estimated Taxes: A How To Checklist

Remember, when looking for tax advice online, you need to consider your source.

The Internal Revenue Service is always the best place to source your information. However, they are often the most difficult to read.

Professional who are credentialed take oaths to their competency and their commitment to their clients. You will generally not have any recourse for following advice from someone who just said you should listen to them. 

Some sites and sources I would recommend:

When in doubt, I'm here for you!

Rooting for you, 

💜 Coach Jacque

Want to talk about making better money choices? Hit me up! I'd be honored to speak with you.

If you enjoyed this newsletter and found some insight, please forward to your friends! To subscribe: visit bp.money

Tax Disclaimer:

The tax information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. Tax laws can vary and change over time. For personalized tax advice or specific questions regarding your financial situation, please consult with a qualified tax professional or accountant.

At Balanced Practice, we offer qualified tax advice from Jacquelene Bishop, CPA and her managed team. We cannot guarantee advice unless we have entered into a signed engagement.

Remember, the content here is meant to inform and educate, but it's always best to seek personalized guidance from a professional who understands your unique circumstances.


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